/* * timestep.c * xgas: Copyright 1990 Larry Medwin: @(#)timestep.c 1.1 2/9/90 */ #include "xgas.h" /* * DO TIMESTEP * * do the calculations required for one timestep and * replace this routine on the event handler "callback list." */ void doTimestep( data, id) /* ARGSUSED */ LabData *data; XtIntervalId *id; { oneTimestep( data->lab, data); /* Put back callback (see Young's clock example) */ data->timer = XtAppAddTimeOut(XtWidgetToApplicationContext(data->lab), (unsigned long)data->delay, (XtTimerCallbackProc)doTimestep, (XtPointer)data); } /* * ONE TIMESTEP * used as callback for "step" pushbutton and called by doTimestep() */ void oneTimestep( w, data) /* ARGSUSED */ Widget w; LabData *data; { int i, k; Arg wargs[1]; char str[20]; /* MOVE MOLECULES */ for( i=0; i<data->nmolecules; i++) { /* Compute next position */ dynamics( &data->molecules[i], data); } /* * DRAW MOLECULES with XOR: * Draw new molecule positions and erase old positions * at the same time. * Draw 2*nmolecules rectangles: * allPos[i][timestep%2] are the current positions * (save them) * allPos[i][(timestep+1)%2] are the old positions * (draw the new rectangles here) */ /* Which half of allPos array gets the new positions? */ k = (data->timestep + 1) % 2; /* Copy molecules to allPos array */ for( i=0; i<data->nmolecules; i++) { data->allPos[ 2*i + k].x = (short) data->molecules[i].pos.x * data->scale.x; data->allPos[ 2*i + k].y = (short) data->molecules[i].pos.y * data->scale.y; } /* Now draw all 2*nmolecule rectangles */ XFillRectangles( XtDisplay(data->lab), XtWindow(data->lab), data->MoleculeGC, (XRectangle *) data->allPos, 2 * data->nmolecules); /* Advance time */ data->timestep++; data->time = data->timestep * data->timestepSize; /* Make new time string */ sprintf( str, "%6.3f msec", 1.0e-3 * data->time); /* Tell the clock widget */ XtSetArg( wargs[0], XtNlabel, str); XtSetValues( data->clock, wargs, 1); } /* RUN and PAUSE CALLBACKS */ void run_callback(w, data, call_data) /* ARGSUSED */ Widget w; LabData *data; caddr_t call_data; { if(! data->timer) data->timer = XtAppAddTimeOut(XtWidgetToApplicationContext(w), (unsigned long)data->delay, (XtTimerCallbackProc)doTimestep,(XtPointer)data); } void pause_callback(w, data, call_data) /* ARGSUSED */ Widget w; LabData *data; caddr_t call_data; { if(data->timer) { XtRemoveTimeOut( data->timer); data->timer = 0; } }